
quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

Livro A Historia Do Boxe - por J.P. Doná

o novo livro do autor Doná se baseia na historia dos maiores lutadores de boxe mundial (na opinião do autor). O livro tras dados como local de nascimento, titulos e campeonatos. E ainda conta com questões pessoais da vida de cada lutador. Indispensavel para quem gosta de saber mais sobre esporte.

Para adquirir o livro basta entra no site clube dos autores e digitar na busca: J.P. Doná. e la aparecera todos os seus livros.
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segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2012

I.T. Remake

Horror fans have reason to rejoice!
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. has tapped Cary Fukunaga (‘Jane Eyre,’ ‘Sin Nombre’) to direct and co-write a new film adaptation of Stephen King’s classic novel It.
Per the report, the forthcoming It remake will be split into two parts similar to the 1990 adaptation of the book which starred John Ritter, Seth Green, Harry Anderson, Jonathan Brandis, Annette O’Toole, Richard Thomas and Tim Curry.
THR adds that Roy Lee, Dan Lin, David Katzenberg and Seth Grahame-Smith are onboard to produce.
For those who have never read King’s novel (or been privileged enough to watch the first film adaptation), Wikipedia describes It‘s plot below:
The story follows the exploits of seven children as they are terrorized by the eponymous inter-dimensional predatory life-form that exploits the fears and phobias of its victims in order to disguise itself while hunting its prey. “It” primarily appears in the form of “Pennywise the Dancing Clown”, described by characters who see It as resembling a combination of Bozo, Clarabell and Ronald McDonald, in order to attract its preferred prey of young children. The novel is told through narratives alternating between two time periods and is largely told in the third-person omniscient mode. It deals with themes which would eventually become King staples: the power of memory, childhood trauma and the ugliness lurking behind a façade of traditional small-town values.
There is no word yet on when the It remake will hit theaters.
Readers let us know: Are you looking forward to the reboot of Stephen King’s It? Did Pennywise the clown freak you as a kid (or adult) and give you nightmares?

Updates on the ‘Pet Sematary’ and ‘It’ Remakes

2 years ago by  
Pet Sematary/It header
It turns out tackling two Stephen King adaptations can be as harrowing an experience as the nightmares faced by the characters in one of his novels. Screenwriter David Kajganich recently chatted with King fansite Lilja’s Library about his work on the Pet Sematary remake and the upcoming big-screen version of It.
Kajganich revealed his approach to Pet Sematary and his enthusiasm for the source material:
“I should say up front that Pet Sematary is my favorite King novel and adapting it was one of the best screenwriting experiences I’ve had, creatively speaking. In its modern way, I think it is easily the equal of anything in the literary canon by Hawthorne or Poe, so I approached the book as a piece of literature as opposed to a horror concept to be pillaged. It was a pure pleasure.”

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However, an unfortunate turn of events derailed his plans:
“After I turned in my first draft, Paramount went through a top-down regime change and I was given a new executive who had creative ideas I just couldn’t stand behind. They wanted to appeal to younger audiences, so there was talk of making a teenaged Ellie the main character, and etc. It was really heartbreaking, but that’s how the process works sometimes. The studio was gracious enough to let me out of my contract and the project was dormant at the studio until very recently.”
Matthew Greenburg was later brought on board to write a new script after his work on another King adaptation, 1408. While Kajganich confirms that the Pet Sematary remake is still moving forward, he’s unclear what direction they’ve decided to take with it.
Luckily, he seems to be having a better experience with It. Apparently the big screen version of the mammoth-sized novel will bear little resemblance to the early 90s TV miniseries:
“I think the Pennywise in this adaptation is a less self-conscious of his own irony and surreality than was Tim Curry’s Pennywise. I think it will be harder to laugh at his antics since, under the permissiveness of an R rating, I was able to give him back a lot of his more upsetting moments from the novel, ones that could never be aired on network television.”

He also reveals the challenges of condensing such an expansive narrative:
I think the biggest difference is that we’re working with about two-thirds the onscreen time they had for the miniseries. That sounds dire, I know, but it doesn’t necessarily mean two-thirds the amount of story. I’m finding as many ways as I can to make certain scenes redundant by deepening and doubling others. To me, this is an interesting process because it has the effect of thematically intensifying the whole, but it can lead to dramatic surprises. Certain scenes I thought would be crucial to the coherence of the whole ended up cut, while other scenes, which were somewhat cursory in the book, ended up being pivotal in the script.”
While I’m generally opposed to remakes, Pet Sematary and It are two properties I don’t think they necessarily nailed the first time out. I’m particularly excited about the prospect of an R-rated version of It. Even though Tim Curry’s performance inspired many a nightmare when I was a kid, anyone that’s read the book knows that it’s infinitely more horrifying and disturbing than what was depicted in the miniseries. It does seem like an awful lot of ground to cover in just two hours, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they manage to deliver a solid adaptation.
How do you feel about the Pet Sematary remake and the feature film version of It? Were you satisfied with the previous adaptations or are you excited for a new take on the material?
Source: Lilja’s Library.

Confira a seguir a seleção de melhores filmes Stephen King escolhidos pelos usuários CineDica:

1- As Chamas da Vingança
2- A Criatura do Cemitério
3- À Beira da Loucura
4- O Passageiro do Futuro
5- O Diário de Ellen Rimbauer
6- Jovem Outra Vez
7- Elvis & Anabelle – O Despertar Do Amor
8- Rose Red - Casa Adormecida
9- O Apanhador de Sonhos
10- It - Uma Obra Prima do Medo
11- Creepshow - Show de Horrores
12- Creepshow - Arrepio do Medo
13- A Tempestade do Século
14- Montado na Bala
15- Lembranças de um Verão
16- O Retorno à Terra de Salem
17- The Night Flier
18- Kingdom Hospital
19- Stephen King - Desespero
20- Colheita Maldita (2009)
21- Ghosts - Michael Jackson
22- A Metade Negra
23- Comboio
24- Nightmares & Dreamscapes
25- 1408
26- O Nevoeiro
27- Os Garotos Perdidos
28- Conta Comigo
29- Sonâmbulos
30- À Espera De Um Milagre
31- Um Sonho de Liberdade
32- Louca Obsessão
33- Carrie A Estranha
34- O Iluminado
35- Trocas Macabras
36- Cujo
37- Fenda no Tempo
38- Cemitério Maldito
39- A Dança da Morte
40- Colheita Maldita
41- Christine - O Carro Assassino
42- Bala de Prata

Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre Stephen King

Stephen King

Perfil do autor

21 setembro de 1947, em Portland, Maine, Estados Unidos




Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, William Golding, Shirley Jackson, Fritz Le ... mais

Sobre o autor

Nota Librarian: Há mais de um autor no banco de dados Goodreads com este nome. Veja este tópico para obter mais informações .
Stephen Edwin King nasceu em Portland, Maine, em 1947, o segundo filho de Donald e Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. Depois que seus pais se separaram quando Stephen era uma criança, ele e seu irmão mais velho, David, foram criados por sua mãe. Partes de sua infância foram passados ​​em Fort Wayne, Indiana, onde a família de seu pai era na época, e em Stratford, Connecticut. Quando Stephen tinha onze anos, sua mãe levou seus filhos de volta a Durham, Maine, para o bem. Seus pais, Guy e Nellie Pillsbury, tornou-se incapacitado com a idade avançada, e Ruth King foi persuadido por suas irmãs para assumir o cuidado físico do casal de idosos. ... mais

Stephen King não é um Autor Goodreads ( ainda ), mas ele tem um blog, então aqui estão algumas mensagens recentes importados de sua alimentação.
Na grama alta, a colaboração história curta entre Stephen e seu filho Joe Hill, será lançado em 09 de outubro, em e-book e formatos de audiobook.

Originalmente publicado em duas partes por revista Esquire no verão passado, na grama alta é um conto assustador sobre um irmão e uma irmã perdida dentro dos mato alto de um campo de Kansas.

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Pet Sematary
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3.75 of 5 stars 3,75 Média de avaliação - 100.919 votos - publicado 1974 - 111 edições
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"Lote de Salem
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"Se você não tem tempo para ler, você não tem tempo (ou as ferramentas) para escrever. Simples assim. "
- Stephen King
"Os livros são uma magia única portátil".
- Stephen King , On Writing
"Get vivo ocupado ou ficar morrendo ocupado."
- Stephen King , The Shawshank Redemption

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